
Congressional Climate Bill Tracking

S. 1177 – Every Child Achieves Act of 2015
H.R. 2646 – Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2015
S. 1146 – Healthy School Meals Flexibility Act
H.R. 612To preserve and protect the free choice of individual employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, or to refrain from such activities.
H.R. 467 – STEM Opportunities Act of 2015
H.R. 2775 – Remote Transaction Parity Act of 2015
S. 191 – Educating Tomorrow’s Workforce Act of 2015
S. 108 – Financial Aid Simplification and Transparency Act of 2015

Video of the Day

Texas Deputy Darren Goforth Was Shot 15 Times, Says Prosecutor

Today’s Hill Action

Senate Floor Schedule

The Senate is not in session today.

Committee Hearings
There are no committee hearings scheduled today.

House Floor Schedule

The House is not in session today.

Committee Hearings

There are no committee hearings scheduled today.

McConnell Expects to Cut Budget Deal, Avert Shutdown

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday that funding the government is
the top challenge facing him when he returns to the Capitol next week.

The Kentucky Republican said he would work with the White House to come up with
budget levels to keep the government open past Sept. 30, conceding that President
Barack Obama won’t sign a measure with a rider defunding Planned Parenthood.
“The Senate Democrats have a big enough number to prevent us from doing things.
They prevented us from doing any of the bills that appropriate money for the government,
thereby forcing a negotiation when we go back in after Labor Day, which I’ll be
engaged in with the administration and others to try to sort out how much we’re
going to spend and where we’re going to spend it,” McConnell told WYMT in Hazard,
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Emails show Hillary’s political sleuthing

A new batch of Hillary Clinton’s emails made public by the State Department Monday
night show her expressing interest in the presidential aspirations of Gen. David
Petraeus, who ultimately took a job as CIA director in the Obama administration
instead of running for president in 2012 and was then driven out of government
by scandal.

Clinton–who’s now the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination next
year–sounded intrigued when her longtime friend Sidney Blumenthal reported to her
on a Saturday morning in February 2010 that prominent Washington foreign policy
blogger Steve Clemons said Petraeus was talking frankly about the possibility of
running for the White House.
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Mitch Daniels Looks to the Private Sector to Alleviate Student Loans

With stu­dent loan debt rising and the threat of new edu­ca­tion mod­els loom­ing,
Purdue Uni­versity wants to of­fer a very dif­fer­ent way for stu­dents to pay for
school: private in­vestors will fund their edu­ca­tion, and get paid back as a por­tion
of the stu­dents’ fu­ture in­come. It’s called an In­come Share Agree­ment (ISA)””if
stu­dents earn more than ex­pec­ted after uni­versity, they pay back more; if they earn less, they pay less.

It’s something that’s been avail­able on the private mar­ket through star­tups like
Pave and Lumni, and from some non­profits. But Purdue would be a pi­on­eer among
ma­jor pub­lic uni­versit­ies if it act­ively of­fers ISAs as an op­tion, which
it’s aim­ing to do start­ing with stu­dents who ma­tric­u­late in the spring of
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Until tomorrow,
