Millions of used car buyers and sellers each year rely on Carfax, the most trusted provider of vehicle history information. Using the unique 17-character vehicle identification number (VIN) found on vehicle dashboards and title documents, Carfax instantly generates a detailed Vehicle History Report on any used car or light truck. Carfax Vehicle History Reports™ provide valuable information that helps used car buyers and sellers make better decisions. Free Carfax Vehicle History Reports are instantly available with vehicles listed in nearly every online marketplace by Carfax-subscribing dealers.

“Paul Kanitra and his firm have proven to be a perfect fit for our government relations needs. We have a small government relations department covering all of North America at the federal, state and local levels. Their ability to bring our issues before the proper government and non-government stakeholders has been impressive, to say the least. Paul’s firm has helped us prepare the proper talking points to make sure our story is told and our issues addressed. I would highly recommend Paul and to represent any private sector or nonprofit organization before the federal government.”

Faisal Hasan
Director of Government
Carfax, Inc.