In recent years, earmarks have transformed into "community funded projects," limited to public and nonprofit organizations. This money is much more transparently scrutinized than in the past. While Lobbyit can help nonprofit organizations apply for this congressionally directed spending, we also provide expert grant writing services for our clients that are looking to secure federal funding outside of the legislative process. We will identify and inform our clients of any applicable federal grant opportunities and assist in the completion and submission of the grant application. Our work doesn’t stop, however, upon submission of the application — our team will then secure letters of support from key Members of Congress, particularly those that have funding responsibility for, or oversight of, the grant-awarding agency. In this manner, many organizations can not only continue their work, but also seize new opportunities for growth.
TrackIt is the first of its kind legislative tracking service. For many companies and associations, the reality is that federal legislation and regulations are not the only government actions impacting them. State legislatures and regulatory bodies also have substantial influence on numerous areas of operation and compliance. Unfortunately, most organizations lack the resources adequately track legislative action coming out of Congress or their state capitols.
This is where Lobbyit’s legislative tracking service can prove invaluable. We will conduct a comprehensive search tailored to your organization’s needs. Lobbyit further provides a report that lists all the appropriate bills and provides a link to the language. Given the vast amount of information generated, Lobbyit also sifts through the results, providing a list of bills that we determine to be of highest priority, and which may require state-level action. For such priority matters, we include a more in-depth analysis of the bill, and our team is available to craft a lobbying strategy should it be necessary.
Tier 1 constitutes not only our firm’s foundation, but also showcases our unique business model. It pulls back the curtain from those Washington lobbyists who for far too long have made access to government expensive and inaccessible. Tier 1 is Washington’s first affordable option for federal representation. It incorporates a clear set of basic services to ensure that Congress is aware of your organization’s priorities and provides an excellent member benefit for smaller associations and organizations.
Lobbyit will help identify your issues and needs, tailor your message as appropriate, and keep you abreast of pertinent developments in DC. Many clients use Tier 1 to get acclimated with the federal landscape, create awareness, and position their organization as a resource to the federal government. This is all capped off with a monthly report clearly outlining the work done and meetings taken on your behalf.
Tier 1 includes:
Our Tier 2 offering is traditional representation at its core, at a fraction of the traditional price. This is the option for clients needing hands-on, direct advocacy, whether in the halls of Congress or in the Executive Branch. Tier 2 includes a broad range of proactive advocacy activities and is the primary vehicle clients choose when seeking to promote or ward off legislative change, influence regulatory drafting, promulgation or enforcement, secure government funding, or simply establish a competitive advantage through some targeted element of public policy. Tier 2 includes all the steps necessary to make sure your cause is effectively promoted, and your issue is resolved. Along the way, we will work closely with you to keep you informed of developments, define near- and long-term goals, and adapt and refine strategies as necessary and appropriate.
Tier 2 includes services in all services in Tiers 1, plus:
Tier 3, is quite simply the most unique offering that currently exists in the government relations industry. Clients can now completely outsource their entire Government Relations operation. In addition to providing our complete suite of services from Tier 2, Tier 3 also includes a full grassroots component, an online advocacy hub, and 50-state legislative tracking. Our most inclusive offering was designed for clients looking to not only effect change at the Federal level, but to develop a broad, national advocacy presence across the country. Inclusive of all the services available in Tier 2, it arms the client with all the tools necessary to successfully promote their interests in Congress and the Executive Branch. By including additional services, however, Tier 3 provides clients with additional avenues of approach to lawmakers, and helps clients build a nation-wide, grassroots effort to create a breadth and depth of support which dramatically enhances a client’s advocacy position. The value of services in Tier 3 is simply unmatched by anything currently available in the lobbying space today.
Tier 3 includes all services in Tiers 1 and 2, plus:
In the last decade, we have seen significant advances in communications technologies and platforms, significantly impacting the way that politicians interact with their constituencies, make decisions and work to be elected/re-elected. To take advantage of these changes, leverage these new tools and provide a truly comprehensive, wrap-around advocacy package, we created Tier 4. Tier 4 adds Political Action Committee (PAC) setup and management, and a variety of “e-advocacy” services to all of the other elements included in Tiers 1-3. In Tier 4, Lobbyit will set up a PAC for clients, and develop and execute a political giving strategy that maximizes the impact of our messaging and advocacy efforts. Additionally, Tier 4 includes the development and implementation of a social media strategy, including the development of appropriate content, the selection of the appropriate platforms, and initiation and management of the social media messaging and advocacy effort.
Tier 4 includes all services in Tiers 1-3, plus:
What many businesses don’t realize is that there are many forms of funding available through the government. Our team has over 40 years of experience working on and around the Hill. Using this knowledge and contacts, we have the ability to navigate the intricacies of getting things done despite the layers of bureaucracy. Whether the objective is to pass a bill or gain funding approval, it is vital to have key Members of the House and Senate on one’s side. Our team will identify the most consequential Members and target their offices.
Funding opportunities include:
The problem with securing these types of funds is twofold: first, organizations don’t realize that they’re available or how to identify them. Second, many organizations do not recognize the importance of building support on the Hill. This type of support can definitively tilt the balance in their favor when submitting applications. Our team has the necessary expertise to serve as a guide to this process.