​Bringing Access & Transparency to Washington

Paul Kanitra - LobbyIt President

25 Years

Combined Experience


About Lobbyit

Lobbyit burst onto the political scene and rewrote the books on lobbyists and the lobbying industry. Now nationally recognized and critically acclaimed for our groundbreaking business model, we’ve secured our place among DC’s top lobbying firms. Take a tour of our website to see how affordable pricing, transparent offerings, and clearly defined deliverables can help your organization find legislative and regulatory success.

Every day, the government makes decisions with far-reaching implications to businesses, industries, and municipalities. Having a federal lobbying presence is a critical component in advocating on your behalf to important stakeholders in Congress and the Administration. Having the right lobbyists at your disposal will ensure timely responses to government actions impacting your organization, and can facilitate beneficial earmarks, stimulus funding, and/or positive regulatory changes.

Paul Kanitra signature

Practice Areas

The Lobbyit team has years of experience providing successful advocacy in the following issue areas. Our revolutionary and collaborative approach affords us the ability to tailor our services to provide clients with an effective advocacy campaign for any industry or issue. Read more below regarding some of the general issue areas where our team maintains significant expertise.

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We leverage our relationships in the Pentagon, Congress, other executive agencies, and the private sector to help our clients win contracts and grants, introduce novel technologies, and work through the appropriations process to achieve success.
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Universities, institutions of higher learning, and associations focusing on novel approaches to education have long been a vital component of our client base. We serve as an active partner in identifying key sources of funding, advocating for priority issues, and organizing Hill visits for students, faculty, and administrators.
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Energy & Environment

We help a wide range of companies, startups, trade associations, and coalitions in both traditional and renewable energy sectors. We have assisted our clients in procuring funds for research and development, gaining project approvals, and working with Congress on introducing new technologies to the market.
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Critical Technologies

Heightened geopolitical competition and the rapid pace of technological change draw significant attention from policymakers in Washington. We work with technology companies of all sizes to monitor developments, influence policy, and establish relationships.
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Transportation & Infrastructure

We work on transportation and infrastructure projects for a diverse clientele, from local governments such as the City of Plano, TX, to private entities and associations. We have a proven track record in obtaining funding, forging relationships, and establishing public-private partnerships.
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Government & Non-Profit

LobbyIt has been an affordable and trusted partner on the Hill for both non-profits and local governments alike. Our support for NGOs and smaller government entities ranges from grassroots advocacy and arranging invitations to serve as witnesses in hearings, to securing funding for projects.
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Our healthcare practice supports a broad array of hospitals and providers, medical associations, coalitions, and technology companies secure federal funding, build direct relationships with lawmakers, and avail grant opportunities in this important sector.
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International Affairs

We leverage our expertise across issue areas to support domestic companies expand abroad by helping gain funds for foreign projects, and foreign entities looking to build relationships and accomplish policy objectives in the United States.
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Manufacturing and Labor

We support both manufacturers and associations with our relationships in the Department of Labor and on the Hill to discover financing opportunities, identify public-private partnerships, and accomplish legislative priorities.
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Public Finance

We leverage our expertise across issue areas to support domestic companies expand abroad by helping gain funds for foreign projects, and foreign entities looking to build relationships and accomplish policy objectives in the United States.
Why Choose Us

You Too Can Have Access to Capitol Hill

Nationally recognized for our groundbreaking business model, Lobbyit has secured prominence among DC’s top lobbying firms. See how affordable pricing, transparent offerings, and clearly defined deliverables can help your organization find legislative and regulatory success.

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Workers Represented

About Us

Our Lobbying Team

Paul Kanitra - LobbyIt President

Paul Kanitra

Founder & President

Client Portfolio

Contact Us

Let's Start a Discussion

438 New Jersey Ave SE, Washington, DC
202.587.2736 | info@lobbyit.com

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